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vertical-axis wind turbine click to hear : vertical-axis wind turbine

Wind turbine whose axis is perpendicular to the wind.
vertical-axis wind turbine image
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See vertical-axis wind turbine in : french | spanish
base central column strut aerodynamic brake guy wire rotor blade

base click to hear : base

Structure that supports the wind turbine’s rotor and houses the equipment used to produce electricity (including the gearbox and the alternator).

central column click to hear : central column

Vertical cylindrical part to which the blades are attached; the force of the wind on the blades causes it to rotate.

strut click to hear : strut

Horizontal piece that connects the blades to the central column to strengthen them.

aerodynamic brake click to hear : aerodynamic brake

Emergency braking system; it consists of shutters attached to the blades, which automatically deploy when the wind turbine gathers too much speed.

guy wire click to hear : guy wire

Cable that connects the top of the vertical axis to a concrete base to hold the wind turbine in an upright position.

rotor click to hear : rotor

Rotating part of the wind turbine that is usually made up of two or three blades; its rotation drives the alternator to produce electricity.

blade click to hear : blade

Aerodynamic part that is attached to the central column; the force of the wind turns it to drive the rotor.