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anatomy of a male frog click to hear : anatomy of a male frog

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spinal cord heart gallbladder liver pancreas stomach small intestine large intestine urinary bladder cloaca spleen kidney testis lung brain esophagus tongue

spinal cord click to hear : spinal cord

Component of the nervous system made up of a soft fatty substance and forming a cylindrical stem inside the vertebral column.

heart click to hear : heart

Muscular organ helping blood to circulate.

gallbladder click to hear : gallbladder

Small reservoir in which bile secreted by the liver collects before being discharged into the intestine during digestion.

liver click to hear : liver

Gland secreting mostly a substance (bile) that contributes to digestion.

pancreas click to hear : pancreas

Digestive gland connected to the intestine that produces secretions and hormones.

stomach click to hear : stomach

Dilated section of the digestive tract preceding the intestine; it receives food to be digested.

small intestine click to hear : small intestine

Long thin portion of the digestive tract behind the stomach in which most of the digestion and food absorption take place.

large intestine click to hear : large intestine

Short wide portion of the digestive tract preceding the cloaca in which a small part of digestion and elimination of waste take place.

urinary bladder click to hear : urinary bladder

Reservoir where urine from the kidneys collects before being evacuated by the cloaca.

cloaca click to hear : cloaca

Orifice common to the intestine and the genital and urinary tracts; it is located at the terminal end of the digestive tract.

spleen click to hear : spleen

Organ of the circulatory system where impurities in the blood are destroyed.

kidney click to hear : kidney

Organ secreting urine; it eliminates toxic substances from the body.

testis click to hear : testis

Male genital gland producing spermatozoa (sperm).

lung click to hear : lung

Respiratory organ made of an extensible tissue; it forms a sac into which air inhaled through the nostrils is carried. A frog also breathes through its skin.

brain click to hear : brain

Main organ of the nervous system consisting of nerve centers; it is located in the upper portion of the head.

esophagus click to hear : esophagus

Canal of the anterior portion of the digestive tract; it carries food to the stomach.

tongue click to hear : tongue

Movable mouthpart having gustatory and prehensile functions.