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Christmas tree click to hear : Christmas tree

Group of devices at the head of the producing well that regulate the flow of oil being extracted from the deposit.
Christmas tree image
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pressure gauge flow bean pipeline tubing valve casing first string tubing tubing head master gate valve

pressure gauge click to hear : pressure gauge

Device that measures the oil pressure inside the producing well.

flow bean click to hear : flow bean

Calibrated opening of a flow line through which oil flows; it is used to limit the flow from a producing well.

pipeline click to hear : pipeline

Steel piping that carries oil from the well to the refining facilities.

tubing valve click to hear : tubing valve

Device that regulates the flow of oil extracted from the well and carries it in flow lines, here toward an oil pipeline.

casing first string click to hear : casing first string

First column of large-diameter tubes that are inserted into the producing well mainly to strengthen its walls.

tubing click to hear : tubing

Last column of small steel tubes to be inserted in the well; they are used to bring oil to the surface.

tubing head click to hear : tubing head

Equipment to which oil production and extraction tubes and devices (Christmas tree, tubing) are attached.

master gate valve click to hear : master gate valve

Main device that regulates the flow of oil; it can completely shut off the outflow.