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origin and evolution of species click to hear : origin and evolution of species

Since its formation some 4.6 billion years ago, the Earth has witnessed the genesis of continents and oceans and the appearance of animals and vegetation.
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Ordovician agnathan orthoceras brachiopod Cambrian trilobite Precambrian cyanobacteria stromatolite

Ordovician click to hear : Ordovician

Geological period marked by the appearance of the first vertebrates and new marine invertebrates. Corals, sponges and mollusks were especially abundant.

agnathan click to hear : agnathan

Jawless fish with a cartilaginous skeleton. Fish of this type still exist today (lamprey).

orthoceras click to hear : orthoceras

Aquatic invertebrate fossil with a shell and arms equipped with suction cups; it was the ancestor of the nautilus, squid and octopus.

brachiopod click to hear : brachiopod

Marine invertebrate fossil with a body protected by a bivalve shell.

Cambrian click to hear : Cambrian

Geological period marked by the evolution of animals (appearance of mollusks, crustaceans) and the extinction of half of the marine invertebrates.

trilobite click to hear : trilobite

Marine invertebrate fossil with antennae and a carapace divided lengthwise into three lobes; it disappeared in the Permian period.

Precambrian click to hear : Precambrian

The oldest and longest geological era, marked by the formation of continents and the appearance of ocean life.

cyanobacteria click to hear : cyanobacteria

Blue-green algae, among the first living microscopic organisms to appear on Earth.

stromatolite click to hear : stromatolite

Stratified calcareous concretion formed by microscopic algae (stromatolites), testifying to the existence of the first life-forms more than 3 billion years ago.