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microscope click to hear : microscope

Optical instrument that consists of a system of lenses designed for observing organisms that are very small or invisible to the naked eye by magnifying their images.
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coarse adjustment knob fine adjustment knob arm base mirror condenser stage glass slide stage clip objective revolving nosepiece draw tube eyepiece

coarse adjustment knob click to hear : coarse adjustment knob

Medium-precision focusing device for adjusting the distance between the objective and the object under study.

fine adjustment knob click to hear : fine adjustment knob

High-precision focusing device for adjusting the distance between the objective and the object under study.

arm click to hear : arm

Vertical part of the microscope that supports the components (draw tube, stage) and contains the focusing mechanisms.

base click to hear : base

Support that stabilizes the microscope.

mirror click to hear : mirror

Polished glass surface that reflects the surrounding light onto the object under study to illuminate it.

condenser click to hear : condenser

Optical system that is usually made up of two lenses, which concentrate the light reflected by the mirror onto the object under study.

stage click to hear : stage

Metal plate with an opening in the middle; the glass slide and the components keeping it in place are placed on it.

glass slide click to hear : glass slide

Fine glass plate on which the object to be studied is placed.

stage clip click to hear : stage clip

Springlike metal blade that keeps the glass slide on the stage.

objective click to hear : objective

Lens system that captures the light from an observed object and makes it converge to form an enlarged inverted image.

revolving nosepiece click to hear : revolving nosepiece

Rotating plate to which objectives of different powers are fixed to allow them to be used in succession during a study.

draw tube click to hear : draw tube

Cylindrical tube that houses the microscope’s eyepiece; it is often made up of two converging lenses.

eyepiece click to hear : eyepiece

System of lenses that acts as a magnifier; the eye looks through it to see an enlarged image of the image produced by the objective.