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geometry click to hear : geometry

Mathematical discipline that studies the relations between points, straight lines, curves, surfaces and volumes.
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obtuse angle acute angle right angle perpendicular is not parallel to is parallel to minute second pi degree

obtuse angle click to hear : obtuse angle

Angle between 90° and 180°.

acute angle click to hear : acute angle

Angle that is smaller than a right angle (less than 90°).

right angle click to hear : right angle

Angle formed by two lines or two perpendicular planes that measures 90°.

perpendicular click to hear : perpendicular

Symbol denoting that a straight line meets another at a right angle.

is not parallel to click to hear : is not parallel to

Symbol denoting that two straight lines do not remain at a constant distance from one other.

is parallel to click to hear : is parallel to

Symbol denoting that two straight lines remain at a constant distance from one another.

minute click to hear : minute

Symbol placed in superscript after a number that denotes degrees in sixtieths of a measure.

second click to hear : second

Symbol placed in superscript after a number that denotes degrees in sixtieths of a minute.

pi click to hear : pi

Constant that represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter; its value is approximately 3.1416.

degree click to hear : degree

Symbol placed in superscript after a number to denote the opening of an angle or the length of an arc, or in front of an uppercase letter to identify a scale of measurement.