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examples of holds and throws click to hear : examples of holds and throws

There are more than 40 holds in judo: floor grips (strangles, locks, holdings) and standing throws (shoulders, arms, hips, legs).
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See examples of holds and throws in : french | spanish
sweeping hip throw stomach throw naked strangle major inner reaping throw one-arm shoulder throw major outer reaping throw holding arm lock

sweeping hip throw click to hear : sweeping hip throw

The assailant pushes the opponent’s leg, causing the opponent’s torso to rotate and flip over the assailant’s hip.

stomach throw click to hear : stomach throw

The assailant pulls the opponent forward and puts a foot on the his stomach, causing the opponent to be thrown over the assailant’s shoulder.

naked strangle click to hear : naked strangle

From behind, the assailant’s arm puts pressure on the opponent’s neck, constricting breathing or cutting off the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.

major inner reaping throw click to hear : major inner reaping throw

Using the right leg, the assailant sweeps up the opponent’s right leg from the front, causing the opponent to fall backward.

one-arm shoulder throw click to hear : one-arm shoulder throw

Placing the forearms under the opponent’s armpits, the assailant lifts the opponent over his back, propelling the opponent forward.

major outer reaping throw click to hear : major outer reaping throw

Using the right leg, the assailant sweeps up the opponent’s left leg from behind, causing the opponent to fall backward.

holding click to hear : holding

The assailant uses pressure on the shoulders to pin the opponent to the floor.

arm lock click to hear : arm lock

To force submission, the assailant exerts pressure on the opponent’s elbow joint against its natural bending direction.