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go click to hear : go

Japanese name for a strategic game that originated in China; players take turns placing stones on the intersections of a board to surround his or her opponent and control the most territory.
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board white stone black stone center handicap spot

board click to hear : board

Grid made of 19 horizontal and vertical lines; the stones are placed where the lines intersect. The Japanese name for the board is "e&goban"e&.

white stone click to hear : white stone

One player’s token; in the game of go, there are 180 white stones.

black stone click to hear : black stone

One player’s token; in the game of go, there are 181 black stones and the player with these stones moves first.

center click to hear : center

Central intersection on the board.

handicap spot click to hear : handicap spot

Each of the nine points on the board where stones belonging to the weaker player are placed when the players are of unequal strength.